Delhi : On receiving the mandate from HDFC Home Loans, WhiteBalance’s creative team spent over a month, collating data and research to find the gap in the home loan market. Armed with the insights of what young Indians- whether starting their creative practice, following their passion, or joining the corporate bandwagon, want- the concept was built. Keeping in mind, the unorthodox professional paths being taken by millennials, the brand film maps their need to own their own home not just for the need of owning a roof over their head but to revel in their individuality, freedom and space.
Renu Sud Karnad, Managing Director, HDFC Limited said, “We sincerely believe that the only way to grow our business is to shift our focus to the millenials. Given the demographic construct of our country, this is a very important segment for us. These 18 to 35 year olds are fearless, embrace the unconventional with great ease and have a fierce mind of their own. They are a very different generation and it’s interesting to see how they consume brands. With the #Claimthefreedom film we wish to touch the pulse of this segment, not through hard sell, but through subtle messaging that builds preference for HDFC Home Loans whenever they wish to own a home.”
To tap the mood of the youth, the creative team at WhiteBalance chose to marry reality and fiction in this film using both shoot and animation execution.

Robert Godinho, CEO, WhiteBalance believes that the concepts and commercials for digital content are increasingly at par with TVCs “We are seeing not just a shift of content, from TV to digital, but also the quantum of money, effort and thought spent on it, especially given the amazing results geo, sex, age and occupation targeting online advertising offers brands. This has made it easy for us to offer the same quality and execution to digital projects as we do for TV. In short, brands are now aware of their digital presence and understanding of a consumer consumption pattern. This no longer is flooding the digital space with brand relevant content, but good targeted content to leave consumers with great recall”
Full film shot on a chroma screen, the animation team at WhiteBalance, created over 20 moving backgrounds, set extensions and elements including cityscapes, offices, homes, gym, and a racing F1 car to capture the diverse consumer profile.
Says John Paite, Creative Director, WhiteBalance “The goal of the film forced us to expand our imagination not only in post-production but also during the inception. Since our film shows different walks of life of our young protagonists, we had to plan for multiple locations. The production constraint of getting permits, accessibility, and time was not practical. This is where our post-production team stepped in with a solution, SET EXTENSIONS and VIRTUAL SETS.”
India has the largest millennial population in absolute terms globally, and with this #Claimthefreedom campaign, HDFC Home Loans positions itself as the brand of choice for home loan applicants between the age group18 and 35.
With approximately 440 million in this age bracket constituting over 35% of the population, the brand will continue to engage with this audience with focussed content pieces in the future.