Mumbai: OMD India’s #PehleTum campaign for Dalda Cooking Oils has been celebrated on a global stage, having picked up the award for ‘Best Integrated Marketing Campaign’ at the Drum’s Social Purpose Awards 2018 in London last week. The win comes shortly after the campaign won the Mumbrella Award for Bravery at the Mumbrella Asia Awards 2018 last month, recognising the agency’s use of integrated media to proliferate the #PehleTum message for Bunge India’s Dalda Cooking Oil brand.
Though gender equality is often spoken about in India, most households still follow an age-old tradition whereby women take the sole responsibility of cooking for the entire family and only eat after ensuring everyone else in the household has eaten. In order to shake up this practice, Dalda Cooking Oils partnered with Leo Burnett and OMD India to create the #PehleTum (“You First”) campaign, urging husbands and families to offer the first bite of every meal to the women of their household.
In order to drive change, OMD utilised a judiciously woven mix of media, with each medium planned and integrated in a manner that added relevance, weightage and a new meaningful layer to the core communication of #PehleTum. This ensured the message was delivered to the entire ecosystem surrounding Dalda’s target audience – women aged 25-50, in order to influence real change. As a result, the compelling campaign achieved an overwhelming response, reaching over 14 million people through various touch points, while increasing brand recommendation for Dalda Cooking Oils by 85%.

Commenting on the win, Priti Murthy, CEO for OMD India said: “I am extremely proud of the team for their media approach on this campaign, facilitating the amplification of such an important message in today’s society. These latest recognitions are a testament to the brave work we do at OMD India to help our clients cut through the clutter and generate real impact for their brands.”

Mr. Milind Acharya, Marketing Head, Bunge India,added: “Advertising has always been a reflection of the society. As one of the oldest and trusted brands, Dalda carries a responsibility towards bringing to life some of the human elements to have a larger conversation. A very simple insight that led to #Pehletum was; with changing times, shouldn’t the homemaker be a part of the Dinner Table along with entire Family which, in our society is an important aspect, where family matters are also discussed. We attempted to put this onus on the Male members of the family to invite her to take her rightful place. As Dalda oil is an integral part of any meal, the homemaker is also an integral and equal part of the family and all related matters. Recognition of the campaign and its thought encourages us to continue such efforts, which are relevant for the brand, the consumer and the society.”