Tata Salt is the market leader, commanding a share of over 24.7% of the national branded salt category. It has also been consistently named as one of India’s most trusted food brands since 2003 (By The Economic Times Brand Equity’s ‘Most Trusted Brands’ survey conducted by AC Nielsen). Standing true to its commitment, this year the company tried to make the full use of the‘World Iodine Deficiency Day’ with the massive rollout of #MissingI campaign, focused on iodine deficiency and its causes, across all media platforms with an innovative approach.
The #MissingImulti media Campaign kept all mediums like Newspapers, TV Channels and social media platforms buzzing in an innovative way, with the Missing “I” quickly caught the attention of the people, thus solving the purpose of raising the much needed awareness on Iodine Deficiency.
#MissingI on Hindustan Times:
Leading Newspaper Hindustan Times has gone ahead in dedicating the body of the front page towards the cause by tweaking its spellings for the #MissingI campaign. The Newspaper has skipped ‘I” in entire page front page right from its Newspaper Brand Header (H ndustan T mes) to Headlines to Sub headlines, with an Ad insert highlight in the middle of the page that reads “Is I missing from your body as well?”
This work is sure to be looked at as one of the best way of integrated brand communications strategy that is capable of grabbing massive attention and realization. Using it for creating awareness on Iodine Deficiency was the best way to serve the humanity.
#MissingIon Republic TV:
The Leader in the English News Space, Republic TV, has played role of torch bearer by proactively incorporating #MissingI campaign by skipping “I” in its entire body of ‘Super Headlines’. With an Ad insert highlight at the bottom of the screen that reads “Is I missing from your body as well?”
Times of India Online – Masthead Innovation:
The letter “I” was removed from the Times of India logo on itsWeb and WAP sites. In addition, a roadblock was done on the home pages of both the web and wap sites, where all ads on the homepage were only of Tata Salt.
#MissingIon Social Media:
The innovative caught the eye of users on Twitter and #MissingIhash tag got popular soon. All social media platforms were filled with posts dedicated to #MissingI. Celebrities and influencers like Gautam Gambhir and Harsha Bhogle supported the movement by posting tweets dedicated to this campaign. This started trending and other cricket enthusiasts also started putting out tweets without the “I”. More than 3000 twitter users used the #MissingI, generating more than 24000 conversations, with a reach of 23.7 million and the #MissingI was trending for ~15 hrs.
ESPNCricinfo.com: We broadcasted live tweets of #MissingI on the Cricinfo home page banners and live score card using one of its kind tech intervention leveraging real-time API integration between tweets feed and DSP. This garnered 6mn impressions on match day.
The reason behind the campaign is to raise awareness of using iodine and to highlight the problems of iodine deficiency.According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 54 countries are still iodine deficient. Iodine is a micronutrient that is essential for human growth. 21st October is dedicated to Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) as it is observed as World Iodine Deficiency Day every year.

Says Mr. Sagar Boke, Marketing Head, Consumer Products Business, Tata Chemicals Ltd., added, “In 1983, Tata Salt played a key role in the iodisation movement in the country by launching India’s first branded iodised salt. On Global Iodine Deficiency Day, we wanted to emphasize the importance of Iodine in daily diet, in an engaging manner. The “#MissingI” campaign communicated the health benefits of Iodine through innovative media touch points. We are committed towards catalysing the nation free of Iodine deficiency disorders, and making India healthy. Tata Salt’s genesis was in serving a national need, and we are proud that we continue to stay true to our motto of ‘Deshki Sehat, Desh ka Namak’.”

Says Mr. Vikram Sakhuja, Group CEO,Madison Media and OOH, “Tata Salt has championed the cause of iodine deficiency for decades with its iodised salt, and its commitment towards Desh Ki Sehat with its Desh Ka namak. In its latest initiative this World Iodine day on Oct 21, the critical issue of iodine deficiency has been raised through a multimedia campaign for #MissingI across Newspapers, TV, Online Display and Social. In this campaign consumers are exposed to text with the letter i missing, and then reminded to check if the “I” is missing from their body too. It was exciting to execute this campaign across Media in record time.”
Marketers and Advertising Gurus have appreciated the innovative marketing strategy, as the campaign has added value to both the brand while addressing a social cause of public awareness on Iodine deficiency.