Singapore: Asian video industry association, Casbaa, held its annual OTT Summit, Asia’s OTT industry marquee event, on 20 & 21 March. New to the event this year, which has been expanded to two days, was the OTT Anti-Piracy Seminar on March 20th; sponsored by 21st Century Fox.
The Anti-Piracy Seminar was designed to broaden the understanding of the problems piracy creates for the industry, to look at what is currently being done to combat the growing threat to legitimate businesses and to explore what else might be done. As the industry’s association, Casbaa is doing more and more to help lead the fight against piracy.

“Piracy is a critical problem, and is particularly acute in Asia”, said Casbaa CEO, Louis Boswell, at the well-attended afternoon event. “This seminar provides a forum for conversation and debate leading to ever more effective solutions to the problem. As an industry we have to put our best foot forward and make sure the leaders of legitimate video companies all get involved.”
The seminar looked at the problems of piracy from all angles; from the regulatory loopholes that allow it to flourish, to the increasing enforcement actions that can – and are – being deployed, through the role technology can play in defeating piracy, and finally how the legitimate industry is responding to the threat and making content more available than ever before through a multitude of legal services.
The OTT Anti-Piracy Seminar was preceded by the OTT Tech Showcase where presentations were made throughout the morning by Accedo, Brightcove, Viaccess-Orca and Vindicia.