Bangalore: Britannia NutriChoice has just launched its first digital-only activation – ‘7Days7Choices’. This new activation aims to extend the new TV communication campaign ‘Power of a Good Choice’ to the digital medium and inspire people to start making good choices every day.
The brand’s point of viewis built on the insight that when we undertake something healthy, although the results may take time, the feeling of satisfaction on having started something healthy is immediate. The brand has extended this thought on digital by creating a series of videos with the objective of motivating Indians to make good choices.
The videos challenge popular misconceptions about living healthyby showing the heady feeling of satisfaction that one experiences when one starts something healthy. Through a series of these ‘Expectation Vs Reality’ videos, NutriChoice aims to inspire people to start making healthy choices.
The digital activation motivates people to make one good choice everyday for only 7 days, by way of #7Days7Choices challenge. The belief is that once we make a good choice for a period of 7 days, it automatically becomes a part of our life, owing to the great feeling one experiences.
Britannia NutriChoice has released a total of 4 different situations and a longer format video that encompasses all 4 situations together.

Ali Harris Shere, VP – Marketing, Britannia Industries Ltd. had this to say – “Britannia NutriChoice as a brand has always propagated making healthier choices. With this digital campaign, the brand is making a clear shift to a purpose led communication. The intent is to inspire people to start on their health journeys with the promise of feeling good immediately. That feeling and the subsequent motivation to push oneself forward is a strong insight that will resonate greatly with our consumers.”

Priya Shivakumar, Vice President and Executive Creative Director, JWT added, “In a digital marketplace cluttered with content on healthy living, we had to take our proposition of starting good choices and make people want to engage with it. We asked ourselves what keeps people from starting good choices. The answer’s simple, they’ve made up their mind that making a good choice is difficult. So, what we needed to do is remind them of the great feeling that can override any hardship while making a good choice. We decided to take on the internet’s favourite ‘Expectation vs Reality’ videos and give it a fun twist – instead of showing banal and drab realities like the videos in that format, we did exactly the opposite. Our video shows people with the ‘Expectation’ of encountering a hardship while doing something healthy, and then juxtaposes that with the ‘Reality’ or a great feeling induced by the same healthy activity!”
Campaign Credits:
Creative Agency: J Walter Thompson Bangalore
Chairman & Chief Creative Officer: Senthil Kumar
Executive Creative Director: PriyaShivakumar
Creative Team: SaagarikaShenoy, Pradeep Ravindran, Ashwin Lingan
Client Servicing team: TirazBalaporia, KirtiVerma, SairaRiyaz, AnandMadhan
Production house: Do Creative Labs
Director: SahithAnand
Music Director: Raka Ashok