Mumbai: LinTeractive, the digital division of PointNine Lintas recently won the mandate from India Gate to launch their Quinoa brand. The agency unveiled an omni-channel campaign that deploys a combination of films, web/ mobile content, social media communities, on ground activations and a digital asset
With this launch, KRBL – one of India’s leading food companies, has set out to lead the charge in creating the superfood category with Quinoa.

Ayush Gupta, Marketing Head KRBL Limited – “Indians as people have always loved their food. With changing times and growing health consciousness, we decided to introduce newer grains for newer lifestyles in India. This new India is fearless about trying new flavours, new foods and new cuisines. We want to feed this trend with interesting new grains like Quinoa that adds to a better life as well. However, we did not want to take a health stand on this because it would end up reducing Quinoa to an occasional food which people would try out maximum twice or thrice a month. We wanted Quinoa to be a part of an everyday mind-set.”
The campaign celebrates India’s love for indulgence in ghar ka khanaand traditional delicacies, by making it guilt free with Quinoa. Positioning the brand as a regular indulgence for everyone in the family – the campaign is asking you to make your most indulgent dishes, also the most nutritious one.It leverages the preference Indians have for their food.

Deepak Agarwal, Executive Creative Director – PointNine Lintas, says, “Our approach to delivering the message of ‘Indulge, Guilt-Free’ was to keep it light-hearted and humorous .When the desire to eat ‘real food’ overtakes the desire to ‘get healthy’, most of the people are likely to indulge in their favourite comfort food and end up being guilty about their spur-of-the-moment choices. We chose to show people sumptuously eating burgers, kebabs & halwa while chastising themselves for all the ‘atonement’ they would have to do for entertaining this indulgence. The twist in the execution was that the very same people revealed the message that, indulgent dishes made from a nutritious India Gate Quinoa base as a part of the recipe meant that there was actually no reason to feel guilty at all.”

Commenting on the campaign, Sumanta Ganguly, EVP – LinTeractive & National Director, Digital – PointNine Lintas, said–“The campaign was going to be digital-first as a new premium food grain would naturally need to be investigated and experienced online. We mapped numerous user-journeys and created an omni-channel strategy to create interesting interventions at the most crucial touch-points – from discovering thequirkyproduct film to drooling at quinoa delicacieson instagram on to digging into why and how to consume Quinoa– all tied into a single brand idea of Indulgence without the baggage of Guilt. The insight was born out of the difficulty one experiences while letting go of the dishes that one has grown up eating, in favour of healthier ones.” created by the agency to answer all the basic questions one has around any new product,starting with how to pronounce Quinoa.While the films and social content will drive the discovery of the product and the brand – these questions, in a very Indian context needs to be answered. According to a recent Google report, ‘how to…’ queries index very high in the F&B category. User profiles were analysed for search intent and keyword trends to tailor the content on the website.
Campaign Credits:
Account Management: Sumanta Ganguly – EVP , Kunal Dhillon – BSM
Planning: Tania Dey – Lead Advisor Digital Tranaformation
Creative: Deepak Agarwal – ECD, Rupesh Wadekar – Creative, Kunal Chandok – Creative,Vikganesh Mani – UX Manager
Technology : Abhishek Balsara – Sr. PM
Social & Content: Bharat Ramakrishnan – Brand Services Director, Mahita Ajmera – Project Executive , Arpan Wadhera – Creative Content
Production: Miss Malini Production