Mumbai: Following a multi-agency pitch, OMD MudraMax has bagged the media duties of DalmiaCement Bharat Ltd.
Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited (DCBL), a subsidiary of Dalmia Bharat Limited (BSE Code: 533309|NSE Symbol: DALMIABHA and listed in MSE), is a leading player in the cement manufacturing since 1939. It is the third largest cement group in India and has been in existence for more than 75 years. With a growing capacity, currently pegged at 25 MnT, Dalmia Cement is also the third largest manufacturing capacity in the country. Spread across eight states and 11 manufacturing units, the company is also the category leader in super-specialty cements used for oil wells, railway sleepers and air strips and is the country’s largest producer of slag cement. Dalmia Cement has also partnered recently with International Finance Corporation to promote sustainable business.

OMD MudraMax will be partnering with the brand for their comprehensive media efforts. The account will be managed out of the agency’s Gurgaon office and will be led by Tarun Nigam, Executive Vice President and Principal Partner, OMD MudraMax.

Quoting on the partnership, B.K. Singh, Head of Corporate Brands & Marketing, Dalmia Bharat Enterprises Ltd. quoted, “We have very strong confidence on the long term growth opportunity of the Indian cement industry. We have ambitious plans to leverage this opportunity through our core experience and proven expertise of the industry. A capable partner like OMD MudraMax will certainly bring in critical contributions and help in this process. We welcome OMD MudraMax onboard.”

Sathyamurthy Namakkal, President, OMD MudraMax quoted, “We are happy to partner with clients who embrace agencies as partners. The brand Dalmia’s ‘customer first’ motto and future ambitions matches with the capabilities that our Group companies stand for & offer. We are delighted to engage with Dalmia Group. A prestigious win for us”.
Quoted Tarun Nigam, Executive Vice President and Principal Partner, OMD MudraMax, “Dalmia is an iconic brand and we are delighted to handle its media duties. It is a great opportunity for us to put forward our strategic thinking, local market expertise and drive on ROI for Dalmia’s brand investments. This is an excellent time to partner with them.”