New Delhi:How will Circa 2019 pan out? 85 per cent Indians expect the global economy to boom; 80 per cent Indians expect everyone around the world to spend more time online than watching TV; 57% Indians expect doctors to use Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare; 40 per cent Indians plan to do a social media detox; 61 per cent Indians feel they will be less lonely this year; 55% Indians expect the society to get more tolerant. Further, 79% Indians expect global warming to increase; 3 in 10 Indians expect the global stock markets to crash and 1 in 3 Indians expect the US President, Donald Trump to be impeached this year.
Perceptions notwithstanding, 92 per cent Indians are optimistic that 2019 will be a better year for them,as 43 per cent were unhappy with how 2018 had unfolded for them and their family. Interestingly, 85 per cent Indians profess to have set goals and resolutions for 2019. And 68% Indians are confident of pay parity for women with men, this year.
These are some of the topline findings of the Ipsos Prediction 2019 survey conducted in 31 global markets including India.

“Overall the mood is buoyant, riding on optimism among Indians, who are making conscious efforts in steering their lives and getting a grip, whether it is to do with setting goals, social media detox, combating loneliness or looking to the future with positivity and not being pulled down by events of 2018. Majority are hopeful of pay parity for women with men. Though there is concern around global warming, personal data security and other macro issues,” says Parijat Chakraborty, Head of Public Affairs, Ipsos India.
Global Affairs
85% Indians believe that the global economy will become more robust this year. France (24%) and Japan (28%) are least optimistic.
Only 3 in 10 Indians (33%) expect the major stock markets in the world to crash this year.
Polarized views were seen for impeachment of the US President, Mr. Donald Trump – 36% Indians feel that Donald trump will be impeached and likewise 36% feel he won’t be impeached. The rest were undecided.
Global Warming is a stark reality- 79% Indians expect global temperatures to soar further this year (an 11% jump from 2018)– and majority of Malaysians (88%), Chileans (88%) and Turks (86%) expect global temperatures to shoot up further.
Digitally connected and not lonely
80 per cent of Indians expect people around the world to spend more time browsing online than being glued to their TV sets – being online will take precedence over watching TV! Similar trend seen across markets, majority will be online – Turks (92%) and Russians (89%) the most. And Spanish (70%) and Saudis (71%) will be online but relatively lesser than the rest of their global counterparts.
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare – 57% Indians expect doctors to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to treat patients this year. India is placed third in the global pecking order in being bullish on AI for healthcare, below China (60%) and Malaysia (58%).
Social Media detox? 40 per cent Indians say they are likely to be less on social media this year.
Majority across all markets polled (61%) and even in India (61%) feels it won’t be lonely this year. But 3 in 10 Indians are likely to feel lonelier this year. And in Turkey, about 6 in 10 say they will feel lonelier this year.
Gung-ho about Future
92% Indians are optimistic that Circa 2019 will be a better year for them vis-à-vis 2018.
43% Indians seemed disgruntled with 2018.
Resolutions anyone? Majority across all markets claimed to be chalking out personal goals and resolutions for Circa 2019 – 85% Indians endorse this view, 95% of Peruvians, 92% of Mexicans, 92% of Colombians, 91% of Chinese and 91% of South Africans. Only 4 in 10 have chalked out resolutions in Sweden (41%), Netherlands (41%) and Japan (45%).
55% Indians are optimistic that as a society we’ll be more tolerant this year. 4 in 10 Indians however disagree.
Though 46% fear large scale public unrestwith 45% denouncing it.
Polarized views – 43% Indians fear leakage of their personal data on the internet. On the contrary, 43% Indians are confident that their personal data is secure and won’t be leaked. Fear of personal information leakage is most rampant in Turkey (69%), South Korea (68%) and China (65%).
Other Issues & Delusions
59% Indians are hopeful that a cure for the Common Cold will be found this year. Most hopeful are the Chinese (74%) and the Malaysians (67%). Least hopeful are the Brits (13%) and the Canadians (17%).
Only 1 in 4 Indians (25%) are hopeful that they will discover existence of ghosts this year – validation of paranormal.
4 in 10 Indians (41%) feel we will discover time travel this year – highest globally, followed by China (36%) and Saudi Arabia (33%).
One in four Indians feel that Aliens will visit the earth this year. Saudis pip India – 1 in 3 hold this view.